Saturday, January 30, 2010

Good Riddens January...and a few pet peeves.

I don't know about you guys, but January is seriously the WORST month! I can NOT stand it! Not only does it feel like the longest month, but it's the most boring too. There is nothing to look forward to, it's cold all the time, the snow is dirty and gross, did I mention it's cold?? I hate it! Thank goodness it's over. I haven't had anything great to post lately, and I still really don't. I have however, been annoyed more than usual. Maybe it's the month that has irritated me, maybe not, I don't know, but I do know that some things have been more apparent lately. Here's a few:
-people who need to merge in a one lane and continue to drive all the way up to the front then proceed to blinker over. I'm telling you right now, if I'm the one you are trying to get in front of, it's not happening. You can wait just like the rest of us.
-kids that are wearing pants that are way to short for them. I know it's the parents fault, I mean come on, if you notice, they always look good. Hair, nails, etc are polished nicely. Look down and see that your kid is wearing capris in winter. Take 10 bucks, go to Target and get them clothes that fit!
-people who dress up their dogs. Oh boy, this one really ticks me off. They are NOT children, their bodies were meant to stand the cold. And the hair bows? Really?? I'm 10 seconds away from calling AJ from Animal Cops!!
-people that can't tell the difference between girls and boys! Now I know that Avery has very little hair, so on the days that she is wearing black, no hairbow, I don't mind it when people tell me I have 2 cute little boys. But when she has a bow on her head, earrings in, purple shirt with a skirt, then my blood is boiling because I know they aren't even looking at her. Sheesh!
-people that talk in movies, do commentary, or have seen the movie so many times that they can recite it. This one can unleash a very nasty Sarah. I will look right at you and tell you to knock it off, and if you still don't then I will give you the dirtiest look ever and probably say something that would send me to the Bishop's office the next Sunday....just stop talking!!
-slow check out employee's. Okay seriously? Can you not see my 3 year old reaching so far out of the cart to grab some sort of candy bar? Or my screaming 15 month old trying to get out of the cart so I will hold her?? Or me, the Mom, sweating to death trying to hold it all together??? New rule. You must swipe 20 items per every 10 seconds or you are fired!!
-people who don't wipe off their sweat they left on a weight machine after they use it. Yes, this one is by far the grossest. I'm one touch away from the ebola virus/hepatitis A B and C/swine. I narrowly escape a disease every time I leave. Please wipe off the machines!!

Okay, so obviously I'm a little on edge. I feel cooped up and it sends me in a trans of thinking about stupid stuff like that. I'm just glad January is gone because I'm going to lose it.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Massive Utah Trip Update!!!

This is going to be ONE HUGE post! Lot's of pics so brace yourself. I put some in a slideshow, so hopefully it really wont seem that long.

We went ice skating with the family before we left. The kids had so much fun, but I think the adults might have had more fun.

Dinner at Jeremiah's for Mom's birthday...the big 50!!

Trey went to his very first movie. The Princess and the Frog. He could've cared less really, in fact he kept saying how boring it was. Not enough action to keep him entertained.

Trey and Kambria.

Grandma Willson had face painting on New Years Eve. It was a big hit with the kids.

This is a perfect pic of Payzlee. This could not be more accurate. She is always posing for you. I love her!!

New Years Eve games.

Intense scrabble game.

And the Wii....the girl sitting on the arm of the sofa is Kelsey. She is engaged to my brother Shane. We are so excited for them! She lives in Michigan so we don't get to see her very often, but she is so fun and we love them both...

and this is Jessica. She is engaged to Jeremy's brother Shayne (yes, we both have little brothers named Shane/Shayne) we are excited for them too! She is a lot of fun and a great addition to our family.

I was able to see most my friends when I was there. Ashley, Kayli, Chelese, and Amanda had scheduling problems so hopefully next time it will work out. Unfortunatly I forgot to take my camera with me except when I went with this fun guy! This is Jon and he has been with me since I was working at the hospital. I have never been with someone before where I just sit and laugh my butt off! He is hilarious and I'm so glad I was able to catch up with him. Good times!! Oh and don't mind the big forhead, my headband was giving me fits.

And this is what happens when you get two middle aged men watching Grease. Now, it wasn't until the last scene when she came out with her tight pants and leather jacket that they came running front and center to get a good view...that is my dad and his brother...too funny!!

Also, we have made some decisions since being back. Unfortunatly, school is not working out. The school work itself is manageable there just have been HUNDREDS of red flags since we got here but thought it was just a normal adjustment we had to get used to. Jeremy's program is very liberal. I don't know if anyone of you 5 people who read this know anything about Prop 8? It is the biggest issue out here...still!! We had no idea. We accept everyone the way they are, no questions asked! But we also believe something different (Please refer to the Proclamation to the should be on your wall:) ) We have tried to figure a way out to have the LDS background and be in the program. He was told he has to be flexibal with his religion if he wanted to get anything back. So pretty much agree with them while he was in class, but then do whatever outside of class. What?? There was no way to agree with any of it without denying our church. It wasn't an option. Our religious beliefs obviously are the most important. Also, he is in a private school, so VERY expensive. Too expensive actually, meaning that they don't give you much to live off of. I was going to have to get a job out here to be able to afford to even live here and then stick my kids in a day care. Doing the math over and over it's going to take at least 15 years to pay it off. It's been difficult for us to have to make this decision, but in the end we know it's the right one. We learned a lot of things out here. It was a GREAT experience that truly brought our family closer. It made us appreciate family, friends, and our kids a lot more. Everyone has been so supportive of us and helped us in so many different ways. He will get his masters in Sports Psychology and use that, but for now we are moving back to Ut, I am finishing my degree (thank goodness non of my classes have expired) and we will just move on. Again, we had a great experience but our family and faith comes first. Our Heavenly Father has been with us this whole time, guiding us each day. We are so thankful for that. The ward has been nothing but a huge help, always asking what they can do for us. I made some good friends out here, Bethany, Jessi Ann, Tami, Hannah, they were all so nice every week. Thank you!! We are headed back this weekend. I am driving behind Jeremy in the car with the kids and he is driving the Uhaul. Aren't you all jealous? Doesn't that sound so much fun?? Thank goodness for portabl dvd players!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

So Ashamed

Ok, well obviously I have been a HUGE blog slacker, and yes i am very ashamed of it. Being in town, sorry to say, I have found much more fun things to do than sit on a computer and share with all of you my oh-so-exciting life! I have LOT'S and LOT'S of pics to upload, but I am to lazy to do it. (probably from the 3-5 pounds I have gained since being here). I promise when I get back (sun, the 10th) I will give a mucho grande update!! Ta ta for now!!....oh ya, and I've got some pretty fabulous, kind of sad, really exciting, sort of depressing, but happy NEWS!!