Friday, February 26, 2010

Lot's and Lot's

Here are a few pics of my family the last couple months. We finally got settled in the house we are staying at. We got Internet today. Who knew how much I really would've missed that. Some of these pics are of our last week in SF.

Valentine flowers from my Valentine.

We are sending her to rehab.

This is what happens when you let Dad take him sledding down a cliff! Went right into the barb wired fence. Mom wasn't happy. Dad was fired.

Proof that Trey does like his sister.

A beach outside of San Fran. The waves were crashing and they sounded heavenly.

One thing I won't miss in California. Tunnels! They are so claustrophobic.

The gorgeous Golden Gate Bridge one last time.

Some beautiful scenery. Notice the tall round one with windows?? Yes, that is where Jake took Tenley on the Bachelor. It has a name, I'm just not sure what it is.

These are the most delicious donuts EVER!! They make them on the Wharf fresh right in front of you. And yes, I ate the whole bucket.

The famous Alcatraz.

The seals at the Wharf. They were all sleeping and quite frankly boring!

This one is for me. I love it that he sleeps with this monkey. When he goes to bed this little guy becomes his best friend.

Well there you go. We are glad to be back, we still miss a few things out there but not enough to go back.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

No Such Luck!

There are a few things I've learned since we've been back, but the one that keeps nagging at my brain all the way to my inner core is how important health insurance is. It really doesn't take a genius to know just how vital it is to be covered but since we moved here I defiantly can appreciate it more. It usually takes 90 days to get on insurance unless you get a plan that you can get on in 30 days and just pay monthly. This is what we are currently doing until we can get on with his work, but yes, we still had to wait 30 days for this one. Well of coarse all sorts of fun things have happened in the meantime...

- Jeremy had to have his toe looked at for an in-grown toenail, and it was partially removed.
- Trey had strep throat...and they sent it down to get cultured again just to be sure.
- I thought Avery had it the next day, turns out I was wrong, but they ALSO sent it to get cultured again just to be sure.
- Avery needs her 15 month check-up
- I need my yearly
- Avery is tugging at her ears and crying all the time, take her in, turns out she is just a drama queen:)
- Trey has been going to the bathroom every 5 min, so I took him in to get checked and of coarse everything was negative, but she then requested an heart sank, but I had to know myself that he was fine. Turns out to be a backed up colon:)

All of this has happened since we've been back...Jan 20, so in a month I have really racked up the medical bills. The kids were still covered on California insurance, but they do not accept it here. The co-pays alone ($75) are enough to make you slap someone then go cry in the corner, but I would rather know my kids are healthy than sit and not know how bad it's getting. Some good news you ask?? Well, some people in my parents ward just moved to Japan for his job and we are fortunate enough to get to house-sit for them while they are away (about 2 years). So I guess the medical bills will get paid off sooner than later. We are very blessed that this opened up for us so that we can also pay off Jeremy's semester in school. It will be great to get into our normal routine again and also to have the kids sleeping in their own rooms! I have a lot of fun pics of my family, but I will have to post them when we get our computer set up, so you get this one. Me and my sister Mary on the farm. We're awesome.

This is my whole family. Shane, me, Mary, my mom, my dad, and my brother Reggie. I don't think I've ever put a pic of them up. Probably the funnest family ever!