Monday, September 6, 2010

Leaving The Nest

Trey went back to Miss Bambi's Preschool last week. He had such a good time last year that he couldn't sleep the night before because he was so excited. He is full of stories the minute I pick him up about all the things that he did. I can't believe how grown up he is this year. Last year I had to walk him into the class and help him settle in the first few weeks because he was nervous and shy. Not this year. He hopped out the car and ran in. I had to hurry and grab him just to get a picture. We are so proud of you Trey!

Trey and Taytem. He loves having his cousin at school with him.

We went camping over Labor Day. Of coarse what would be camping if we didn't catch snakes?! Seriously, this girl was in heaven!

And of coarse she had to love it...and kiss it. (I may or may not have wet myself when she did that)

I think total they had like 15 snakes, and 12 frogs.

These two are trouble. They have a love/hate relationship with eachother.

The first day Jeremy was golfing in the morning so I had the kids. Of coarse Trey decided he was going to catch a snake for his Dad. And of coarse he had to find the first one on the day Jeremy wasn't there to help him grab it. Who was there?? Oh yes, me! So I grabbed the little sucker and wet myself the whole time I was running to find a bucket of some sort. Trey thought I was pretty cool. I hope he didn't hear me drop a few f-bombs while I was running with it ;) This is me with my awesome catch. (ok, I know he's a tiny one but come on, a snake is a snake no matter what the size)

We had a great time. The kids had so much fun. Can't wait for fall though!!

Ok, and on a different note, does anyone think this is the scariest Mcdonald's toy ever??!! I mean seriously, what the crap is it?