Thursday, May 14, 2009

Too Funny!

As you all may know, I really, really don't like those stickers that people put on their cars (no offense to those who have them) know, the ones with the stick figures and the family names and sometimes their pets. I'm not sure why it bugs me so much. Maybe because it is such a Utah thing. They are everywhere. Well I finally found one that I would put on my car. Halarious!!


Kayli Rivera said...

I love it!! Lets go get some to put on our cars!

curtandheather said...

Ha ha! That is great! I think I would put that one on mine too :) They drive me crazy also!

Harada's said...

It must be a utah thing. I have only ever seen maybe 2 of those. That one is hillarious though!

Sherie said...

I hate those stick figure stickers too, but that one is definitely hilarious!

Kevin, Amanda & Braxton said...

Those are kinda dumb why would you bother to put them on your car! I have never seen one in OHIO.

mommy and me said...

Seriously, I don't know why there are so many of those when everyone I know hates them! I saw that ass family on someone's car and loved it, you should do it!